Thursday, January 27, 2011

Quilt, Gifted

My Mother in Law, MaMa, is here, and we’ve been having loads of fun.  She’s an excellent cook, so we’ve been spending all of our spare time in the kitchen. Of course, that leaves no time for my craft room…but it’s a small price to pay for all of the delicious food she’s teaching me to make! (At this point, she’s over her shyness, and doesn’t even bat an eye when I pull out the camera every time she pulls out pots and pans. Heh.)


Her first night here, we all exchanged Christmas gifts. I wanted her to use her gift from me right away…and was really excited to see what she would think of it.

January 2011 016

January 2011 017

She liked it. *grin*


Su said...

Wow, she must have been so pleased! All that hard work that went into making that quilt.....

Unknown said...

looks beautiful. I'm just learning crafts.

Jenni at Treacle and Ink said...

i'm just getting round to catching up! ahhh she must have loved it!
this quite is beauuuuutiful!!