Friday, November 5, 2010

I Fixed It: A Key!

Ok, so in the interest of full disclosure, I got this idea from Pioneer Woman. She mentioned a few days ago that, as a child, if her mother locked herself in her room to catch a nap in the afternoon....she would fashion a key out of a door hanger, and break in.


See, a few weeks ago, I realized that I had to start locking doors in my house. A lot of doors. Siu Jeun, my nearly two year old, is lovingly called our Destructobot. Or Glambo. But only if he's wearing my heels and kicking toys.


So, I pilfered all the locking door handles in the house (from the bathrooms, actually) and placed them on doors that needed locking: my bedroom (it has two doors) and my craft room. (My husband keeps an XBox in the room that Siu Jeun finds...irresistible. The day Siu Jeun chewed on, and killed, a game controller was the day we decided we needed more locking doors in our lives.)

The only problem was, I could only find one "key". It was a stiff piece of wire, with the end bent into a loop. I hung it outside my main bedroom door, and had to remember to put it back...or else!

Thanks to Pioneer Woman, a handy wire hanger from the dry cleaners, and a pair of wire snips/needle nose pliers, I am now the proud owner of three keys. One for each room.

There. I fixed it.

(Ok, so this post is kind of a far fetch. I really wanted to push myself and post on LoLo Craft once a day for the entire month of November. turning out to be a bigger stretch than I thought. Oh, and later this month? I'll celebrate my anniversary, my birthday, my twin sister's birthday and host, I'm relying HEAVILY on post-dated material and hoping for the best! My Christmas list is nearly finished, and I have a docket of gifts that need making. Here goes nothing! Some days, you work on a quilt fashioned of bits of fabric lovingly cut by your great-grandmother. Other days, you snip a hanger to bits and call yourself a genius. I take what I can get!)


Katz said...

We learned that we can unlock the doors in the new house with a Dum Dum stick. :)

Brianne said...

I always just grab a wire hanger from a nearby closet and straighten out the hook part. Then I just stick it in the lock, wiggle it around a bit, and it unlocks. Then I attempt to bend the hanger back into shape, it's never quite right so I usually use the same hanger every time if I can.

Our new house came with little keys that rest on top of the door frame. They've come in handy the few times that Kaylin has locked herself in the bathroom while on the toilet. Ha ha.

daphne_caldwell said...

You are so crafty! Kudos for being a full time mom, wife, crafter and jack-of-many trades! I am your newest follower and it has been a joy to read!